At NRSGATEWAY we are paving the way towards the future of mobile communication systems. We are a company in the NRS-GROUP group specialising in the development of applications and solutions using mobile technology.
We work every day to make the most of the far-reaching prospects and opportunities that mobile technology offers to companies.
NRSGATEWAY is one of the pioneers in this field. Experience and market knowledge make NRSGATEWAY the perfect company with which to incorporate mobile solutions into your company.

What we do?

Our main function is to innovate and improve services by making the most of each opportunity that appears in the mobile telecommunications world on a day-to-day basis.

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Why choose us?

Our unbeatable prices, coverage in more than 220 countries and constant innovation make hundreds of companies and institutions confide in NRSGATEWAY to solve their SMS communication needs.

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Work with us

At NrsGateway we strive for excellence and the best professionals to create the most effective communication solutions. If you would like to join our team, please don't hesitate to contact us.

We want to get to know you

MOBILES ARE PART OF OUR LIVES. There's no question about the importance of mobile telephony in our society, where almost 99% of the population owns a mobile device and usage has become an everyday feature of our daily lives. With this in mind, in 2001 NRSGATEWAY decided to make the most of all the benefits and potential that was beginning to take shape with the advent of mobile phones in our society, transferring their use to the business world.

COUNTLESS OPTIONS. The applications of our services are countless, but they always strive to pursue two goals:

  • COST REDUCTIONS (through technologies such as SMS, communications can flow much more and cost much less).
  • MARKETING ACTIONS (Promotional activities, customer loyalty, draws, information, customer service, vouchers and personalised promotions, etc.).
COMMUNICATION NEEDS. Through innovation and the search for new services, at NRSGATEWAY we work every day to offer quality services, tailored to cover all communication needs that may arise in different companies, institutions and private households.

THE BEST SOLUTION. Mobile communication offers countless applications and solutions for all industries. Many industries and companies share needs, so we offer our customers widely-tested solutions, but our particular strong point is PERSONALISATION. At NRSGATEWAY we strive to give each company the solution it requires for its particular needs. Since the outset, at NRSGATEWAY we have worked closely with customers to offer the best solution for their business needs.

The best prices without competition
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